Join us to build the tech future of travel!
ZEN is a travel technology group for Southeast Asian budget & mid-range hotels. We provide state-of-the-art technology solutions for hotel clients to help them increase revenue and achieve operational efficiency. Our portfolio consists of top SaaS and software products: AI-driven Revenue Management system, world’s #1 hotel software, OTA with localized Marketing Boost, growth-driven marketing solutions.
By helping Southeast Asian hotels operate more efficiently, ZEN contributes daily to democratizing travel in the region.
We are proudly backed by leading institutional and strategic investors, including the #1 Korean travel group Yanolja (itself backed by Booking Holdings) as well as Rocket Internet (behind multi-billion-dollar startups such as Lazada, FoodPanda).
None of this would be possible without the hard work of our growing ZEN family. We’re proud to have a company full of entrepreneurial and dedicated superstars!
If you want to be part of our journey, all of our current open positions are listed below. If you do not see the right opportunity based on your profile, do not hesitate to reach us out at Let's talk!
Bergabunglah dengan kami untuk membangun masa depan pariwisata berbasis teknologi!
ZEN adalah grup terknologi pariwisata untuk hotel budget dan kelas menegah di Asia Tenggara. Kami menyediakan solusi teknologi mutakhir kepada mitra hotel kami untuk membantu meningkatkan pendapatan dan mencapai efisiensi operasional. Portofolio kami mencakup produk dan perangkat SaaS terbaik: Sistem Manajemen Pendapatan berbasis AI, Perangkat lunak hotel #1 di Dunia, OTA dengan peningkatan pemasaran lokal, solusi pemasaran yang didorong oleh pertumbuhan.
Dengan membantu hotel-hotel di Asia Tenggara beroperasional lebih efisien, ZEN berkontribusi setiap hari untuk mendemokratisasikan perjalanan di wilayah tersebut.
Kami dengan bangga didukung oleh investor institusional dan strategis terkemuka, termasuk grup perjalanan wisata #1 di Korea Yanolja (didukung oleh Booking Holdings) beserta Rocket Internet (pendukung startup multi-miliar dolar seperti Lazada, FoodPanda).
Semua ini tidak akan mungkin terjadi tanpa kerja keras dari keluarga ZEN yang terus berkembang. Kami bangga memiliki perusahaan yang dipenuhi wirausahawan dan superstar yang berdedikasi!
Jika Anda ingin menjadi bagian dalam perjalanan kami, semua posisi terbuka kami saat ini tercantum pada daftar di bawah ini. Jika Anda tidak melihat peluang yang tepat berdasarkan profil Anda, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di Ayo berdiskusi!
“ At ZEN, I realized that it's necessary to own up to thing. Even if responsibilities weren't handed to you - you should show initiative and take accountability. ”
“ ZEN made me realize that to become great at what you do, you have to love your work and be passionate about it. Hard work is not enough to reach your dreams if you are not passionate enough to do better everyday. ”
“ A unique and exciting challenge for developers is that we have to constantly improve software - making sure that it can keep up with the increase in traffic. ”